Presentation of urban health project results in a website

Work Package 8 was required to develop and maintain a website platform for the exchange and dissemination of project results. This Work Package was led by the University of Manchester.

The EURO-URHIS 2 results website was developed through the University of Manchester and the National Drug Evidence Centre (NDEC), directed by Dr Michael Donmall. NDEC has developed a visualisation tool called ViewIt™. This tool provides a simple way of visualising data using tables, bar and pie charts and via interactive maps allowing detailed comparisons at national and local levels.

The ViewIt™ tool has the ability to show data in a tabular format and each row or column can then visualised using graphs and pie charts. Individual data items within the table can also be selected and these can be cross-tabulated and visualised in a comparison chart. ViewIt™ also uses Google maps with overlays to summarise data at a national level.

The ViewIt™ tool was used to create the EURO-URHIS 2 results website ( Examples of the website can be seen below, but please click on the results tab at the top of the page to try it out for yourself.

EU Website 2EU Website 5EU Website 4

EU Website 1

EU Website 4