WP 2 - Dissemination

WP2 was the dissemination work package and was led by the University of Manchester and North West Regional Health Brussels Office. The aim of this work package was to actively disseminate results and information regarding the project to a wide range of audiences using a multitude of methods.

Target audiences included:

  • The project partners and local networks
  • European Research Council
  • Various European Commission Directorates including Research, Transport and Environment, Regional Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs.
  • the World Health Organisation
  • Urban health networks and organisations worldwide
  • Local regional, national and European policy makers e.g. Members of the European Parliament and locally elected officials
  • Public health organisations
  • Academic institutions and academic press
  • Scientific journals
  • Appropriate media outlets

Methods of dissemination will include:

  • Electronic newsletters and press releases to all partners
  • Utilisation of the website
  • The Conference on European Urban Health (WP 9)
  • Appropriate reports in both electronic and hard copy format
  • Face to face training and explanation of the concepts (in conjunction with WP10)
  • Press releases all in the appropriate languages to ensure that it the project is “user-friendly”
  • Actively helping other project partners and work packages to reach their own target audiences.
  • Standard communication material for the European Commission