The general objectives of EURO-URHIS 1, funded by DG SANCO, were to develop a comprehensive urban health information and knowledge system to:

  • Help to identify and prioritise urban health problems
  • Enable the monitoring of the effects of actions taken to address them
  • Ensure timely access to informaiton
  • Contribute in building advocacy, communicaion and education strategies
  • Use standardised methodology for data collection, processing and dissemination, allowing transnational comparisons and time trend analysis

Country summary reports were created for

Austria Graz and Vienna
Belgium Brussels and Liege
Bulgaria Plovdiv and Ruse
Croatia Zagreb
Cyprus Nicosia
Czech Republic Pardubice, Plzen and Ostrava
Denmark Copenhagen and Aalborg
Estonia Tallinn
Finland Helsinki
France Bordeaux, Limoges, Montpellier and Strasbourg
Germany Frankfurt, Leipzig and Munich
Greece Athens and Thessaloniki
Hungary Budapest and Debrecen
Iceland Reykjavik
Ireland Dublin
Italy Milano, Palermo and Rome
Latvia Riga
Lithuania Kaunas
Malta Valetta
Netherlands Amsterdam
Norway Oslo
Poland Katowice, Krakow and Lodz
Romania Bistrita, Cluj-Napoca and Iasi
Slovakia Bratislava and Kosice
Slovenia Maribor
Spain Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia
Sweden Gothenburg and Helsingborg
Turkey Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir and Bursa
United Kingdom Brimingham, Cardiff, Glasgow and Manchester

Download the EURO-URHIS 1 Final Report below:

EU1 Final Report

Download the EURO-URHIS 1 Final Conference Programme below:

EU1 Final Conference Programme

Download the EURO-URHIS 1 Health Experts User-friendly Report below:

EU1 Health Experts User-friendly Report

Download the EURO-URHIS 1 Newsletters below:

EU1 Newsletter 1

EU1 Newsletter 2

EU1 Newsletter 3